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Mighty Purse charges your phone on the go

The ‘Mighty Purse’ can recharge your phone on the go thanks to an integrated battery and micro-USB cable. 

Nothing can dampen your mood on a night out like a phone with a low battery. Luckily for all you ladies (and effeminate men) out there, the Mighty Purse can save your bacon by charging your handset from flat, or maintaining its charge. 

Mighty Purse can charge your mobile.

The Mighty Purse has an integrated 4,000mAh lithium-ion polymer battery, which should be good for charging your phone twice from empty. Simply connect your handset to the integrated micro-USB cable and it’ll pump those crucial electrons across to your electricity-starved mobile.

Once you’ve connected your handset, an integrated LED battery level indicator shows you how much juice your phone has has left and whether it’s charging. The Mighty Purse is compatible with most Smartphones including those from Apple, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry and LG.

Charging accessories have a tendency to be enormous, but the Mighty Purse is quite dinky at 20cm x 12.5cm x 2.5cm, meaning it’s small enough to fit into your favourite handbag and big enough to carry your phone and essentials (lipstick, pepper spray, that sort of thing).

The Mighty Purse is available from any Apple store and all other good retailers.

-Ellie Holland


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