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M Suggestions on Messenger: How does it work and what can it do?

Facebook’s Messenger chat app now boasts its own AI assistant, called ‘M Suggestions’. Here’s how M Suggestions works, some of the best features and how to actually update Messenger to get the AI working on your iPhone or Android mobile.

Facebook has been quite heavily invested in the field of artificial intelligence research, although with mixed results. One of its AI engines recently had to be shut down, after the bot actually created its own language that humans couldn’t understand.

So we might be risking robot overlord domination in the long run, but there’s an upshot: we now have Facebook’s M Suggestions AI, which can helpfully suggest which emoji to use when chatting with mates via the Messenger app. Totally worth it, right?

Here’s everything you need to know about Messenger’s new M Suggestions AI assistant.

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What is M Suggestions on Messenger?

M Suggestions is an artificial intelligence integrated directly into Messenger, to help make communications on the move even easier. How? By effectively finishing your sentences for you.

This M Suggestions feature is totally automated and makes suggestions for you, right there in the conversations you’re having.

How does M Suggestions on Messenger work?

Facebook’s M Suggestions robo brain will detect what you intend to say as you’re typing away and can offer up what it thinks you need at any given time. So similar to how autocorrect finishes a word before you’ve completely typed it, this AI will offer a selection of ways to communicate what you desire.

For instance, M might suggest using a sticker to express your emotions, sharing your location when someone wants to meet up, or starting a virtual plan when it detects you discussing dinner or a movie with your mate.

What can M Suggestions on Messenger do?

Once you get the M Suggestions icon on your app, the AI can perform the following helpful tasks.


M Suggestions whips up easy sticker options that allow you to add a visual bit of fun and excitement to your conversation, beyond simple words. Oft-used expressions such as “thank you” or “bye-bye” are represented, and easy to access.


Share your location quickly and easily. If you get asked something like “where are you?” or you say “on my way”, the AI will recognise that location sharing might be of use. This will then let you share your current position right there in the conversation.


M Suggestions can also help to coordinate plans for multiple people who want to get together. If you bring up another friend in conversation, for instance, you should be given the option to include them in the discussion.


If you have a decision to make in the group chat you’re involved with, you can post up a quick poll on the subject. Everyone in the chat then gets to vote, to come to a decision.


Forgotten someone’s birthday, or just hopping into a chat to wish them well? If you’re in a one to one chat, the M Suggestions smarts will offer you a birthday wish in the form of a sticker, wish, card or even video with snazzy effects.


Save important information to be used later. This includes URLs sent in the group, videos, Facebook posts, events and pages.


If someone in the chat says something like “want to call me?” the AI will detect that and offer to connect a voice or video call.

When is M Suggestions for Messenger available and how much does it cost?

The M Suggestions AI is already available as part of Messenger, for those with the latest version of the app. Android users should hit up Google Play and download the update, while Apple fans can do the same with the App Store on their iPhone. You should then find that M Suggestions begins to work for you.

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