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BT line rental and line rental saver to jump up in July

BT line rental is set to increase in July, with the standard rate going up by £1 and line rental saver going up by over a tenner. 

Currently the standard rate of line rental which BT charges its broadband customers is £17.99/month. Subscribers have the option of forking out for a year’s worth of line rental in one go by paying £194.28, which saves you £21.60. 

As of July 3, both of these options will be increasing in price; the standard monthly rate will set you back £18.99/month while the 12-months-in-one-go option will cost £205.08. 

The price rises mean that customers paying the regular rate of line rental will be worse off by £12 a year while those used to paying for everything up front will need to squeeze an extra £10.08 from their wallets. 

While line rental saver options mean you will have to stump up more cash up front, one key advantage of doing so is that paying in advance will protect you from future line rental rises like these; for at least 12 months anyway. 

The price rises will take effect ahead of new rules forcing ISPs like BT to lump all of their broadband and line rental prices in one easy-to-understand sum. These rules, which could have some bearing on when ISPs time line rental and price increases, won’t come into force until the end of October. 

If the whole concept of paying for line rental in 2016 offends you to your very core, then you should avail yourself of one of these


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