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Alcatel OT-209: What’s in the box?

This is the Alcatel OT-209, that’s available to buy now from Carphone Warehouse for a mere 1p. Yep you heard us right – it’s going for a single British penny (plus a minimum £10 top up) on pay-as-you-go on T-Mobile, Orange, Virgin Mobile and TalkMobile.

We snapped one up to see just exactly what you get for a penny these days. You get a small colour screen, protective plastic covering, and a mini USB headphone/hands free set with one earbud. Click through to see the Alcatel OT-209 up close and personal and see what else you get.

It’s pretty small, pocket friendly and lightweight, smaller than an iPhone 3GS.

The front of the Alcatel OT-209 with its colour screen.

This is the LED light. There’s no camera for the light to act as a flash, but it can be used as a torch. It can be turned the light on and off by holding the ‘5’ key.

The Alcatel OT-209  comes with a neat fake call function, which you can assign a fake name and ring tone to. We’ve created a profile for ‘Dave’ on our phone. Useful if you need to get out of an awkward social situation.

Some instruction manuals!

The headphone set is made up of a mic and one headphone. Just the one. We guess it ain’t in stereo either. You can get Radio 2 on it though.


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