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Asus Waveface Ultra: Concept watch phone is pretty tasty-looking

Over in Vegas, Asus has been showing off a concept range including this sleek watch phone named the Waveface Ultra. If it ever goes into production, the Waveface Ultra will be made from foldable materials fashioned into a wearable cuff – much better looking than even the best of today’s watch phone offerings.

Controls would be motion-led, so you just have to jiggle your fingers at the screen to make stuff happen. ElectricPig reports that the watch phone would also be able to connect to the cloud so you can check out all your documents on the go. The watch screen would fold out to a flatscreen so you wouldn’t be left squinting at your wrist. Hopefully Asus would also Waveface goodbye to the dodgy range name.

The Waveface Ultra is just a concept for now and most of the materials required to make it barely exist at the moment. But it’s always nice to have a little peek into the crystal ball of tech and look at what gadgets we might be spending our hard-earned cash on in the future.


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