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Combine elements to create beer and vampires with Alchemy for Android

Alchemy for Android is a matching game that sees you attempting to create new items by mixing different amounts of the four basic elements – air, earth, fire and water – like alchemists of ancient times. You’re less likely to be tried as a heretic or develop mercury poisoning though.

There’s little real point or object to Alchemy, other than the thrill of discovering a new compound and then seeing what else you can create.

You drag your various elements and ingredients into the playing area and drag and drop them on top of each other to see what happens.

For example, fire + earth = lava, which when mixed with water produces steam and stone. If you mix the stone with fire you then get metal which can be mixed with other things, and so on.

Of the 300 outcomes available you can create things like vampires, beer and vodka. It’s a trial and error process which is actually a lot more fun and addictive than it sounds.

The app itself is free but if you get really stuck trying to figure out how to get the elixir of life you can buy hints via in-app payments.


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