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Google Maps in UK now rocks real-time bus and train info

Google Maps has just been updated and now shows real-time public transit information in the UK and other countries across Europe.

Google Maps has shown basic public transport information for years, but the service has just been given a serious overhaul to include more accurate, real-time info in a select number of countries and cities. There’s also an update to provide clearer info in its other 18,000-odd locations.

From today, your Google Maps app (and Web service) will let you see live arrival data for buses, metros and subway systems in the UK, Netherlands, Budapest, Chicago, Seattle and San Francisco.

The info on offer will include arrival data and cancellation notifications, so no longer will you be stood around at a stop like a massive lemon, waiting for a train or bus that’ll never arrive. You’ll also get full routing information, so you can better plan your journey home.

In order to accomplish this miraculous feat, Google has partnered with over 6,000 transit authorities around the globe, slurping up schedules for over 2.5 million train stations, ferry ports and bus stops – all to take the effort out of your journey. And to better monitor your every move for ad-serving purposes, of course, but we aren’t going to squabble when the pay-off’s so good.

If you aren’t lucky enough to reside in one of Google’s chosen locations, you’ll find the information which has been there since about 2007 still present, but now bundled into groups, for added convenience.


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