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HTC Incredible S vs HTC Desire HD

Now we’ve had time to properly test out HTC’s latest phone, the Incredible S, how does it stand up to their previous flagship Android phone, the Desire HD?

Although they have HTC’s Sense features, and both currently run on Android Froyo (2.2) they are also reportedly getting the latest version of Android (2.4) within the next few months. So it’s all down to the hardware. Let’s start with the new kid.


HTC Incredible S

This is the first Incredible handset from HTC to arrive in the UK, and brings with it HTC Sense, along with a four-inch display, which although smaller, seemed a bit more responsive than the Desire HD.

It comes with 1.1GB of internal memory, and while the Desire HD has 1.5GB built-in, such a minor difference is dwarfed after adding a microSD for extra storage.

Although both phones rotate the display to accommodate horizontal browsing and full-screen video, only the Incredible S’ twinkling home, back, menu and search buttons rotate to match the screen. We think it’s done through mirrors, or prisms. however it’s done, it looks good.

The Incredible S fits in our hand far more comfortably than the Desire HD, and reaching the upper limits of the touchscreen with a thumb, one-handed, is never a stretch.

By some sort of faux vaccuum-formed backing, although the Incredible S does have the same thickness of the Desire HD it feels somehow thinner due to its tapered edges.

Following the popularity of the iPhone’s own FaceTime app, a front-facing camera was always on the cards for the next range of HTC phones, and the Incredible S comes with its own 1.3-megapixel camera, more than a weedy VGA front-facing cam, and more than nothing, which is exactly what the HTC Desire HD has.

Battery life has improved since HTC released the Desire HD. From our testing the Incredible stood up well to our obsessive social network use and YouTube time-wasting.


HTC Desire HD

If you didn’t want an iPhone, we always recommended our friends toward this Android flagship phone.

The massive 4.3-inch screen looks good, and still compares favourably against more recent phone rivals. It’s great for browsing the web and reading emails, and we found it slightly easier on our eyes, as we didn’t need to be as close to the screen to read.

The Desire HD matches the Incredible S on several specs, both have a zippy 1GHz processor, while an eight-megapixel rear-facing camera is found on both. (The photo quality is the same on both- good enough, but could do with some improvement.)

It does lack the dual-camera setup of the Incredible S, yet still goes toe-to-toe with its younger brother on several features, even after a six month stint in the phone shop. The main decider for us is the difference in battery life.

The Desire HD would sometimes suck up your battery before late afternoon- perhaps caused by that huge screen- while the Incredible S coped admirably, lasting a good day and a half without squeaking for a charge-up.

But, if you’re able to cope without using the full features of your phone, or are happy to regularly charge-up each day, there’s not enough extra in the Incredible S to warrant paying more.


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