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HTC Sensations on Vodafone to get Android 2.3.4 ‘this week’

Our sources at Vodafone have confirmed to us that updates to Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread will be rolling out to HTC Sensations towards the end of this week. Though there’s been no concrete ETA on when it’ll drop, the red network told us that the update will be arriving in the UK this week, over the air.

We got word late last week that an update to Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread was rolling out to unlock and SIM-free HTC Sensations over the air across Europe.

Though its a relatively small update in the grand scheme of things, you’ll want to update your Sensation to 2.3.4, as it closes a security loophole that could leave you vulnerable when connecting to open Wi-Fi hotspots.

This report, flagged back in May, claimed that there was the potential for authentication codes for things like your Google Contacts to be intercepted on open Wi-Fi points. All versions of Android for phones suffer from this vulnerability, all save for 2.3.4.

Regent figures from Google show that there are now more people with phones that are running on 2.3.4 in August than there were earlier in the year, but show that Android 2.2 Froyo is still the most widely used version.

We got 2.3.4 updates on our unlocked Nexus One and Nexus S a little while ago; aside from closing the security issue there appears to be some small improvements in speed and performance here and there, but nothing else major to report.


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