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Miles Davis Trumpet: Monster’s jazz-friendly headphones

Monster has introduced Miles Davis Trumpet, high-quality headphones tuned especially for listening to jazz.

Monster is of course the company behind the immensely popular Beats By Dr Dre headphones. These Miles Davis endorsed buds are billed as ‘The Musician’s Headphone, primarilay targetting jazz fans, but also audiophiles in general.

Uniquely the drivers are located within the ear tip (see the bottom left picture), so actually sit within your ear canal and closer to your ear drum, this is designed to produce a closer dynamic listening experience.

Recombu tried out the headphones last week and we were instantly impressed not only by the sound, but also by the design, the headphones look totally different to anything we’ve seen, with a fantastic attention to detail.

The shape of the housing is actually based on Miles Davis’ trumpet, while the Control/Talk buttons replicates the valve of a trumpet and Miles Davis’ silhouette is embossed on the headphones and one of the two protective blue and cases.

Elsewhere the blue cable is reinforced to prevent wear and tear, and the 3.5mm connector is at a right angle to avoid strain amd there’s also cable clip and slider to prevent tangle.

The fore mentioned in-line mic enables iPhone and iPad users to make and receive calls while wearing the headphones.

Of course, this much craftsmanship comes at a price. Miles Davies Trumpet will cost £300; so these certainly aren’t headphones that most people will want to use on their commute every day, but serious audiophiles looking for a high-end pair of headphones – and jazz fans in particular – should take a look.

Link: Monster


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