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Samsung Galaxy Ace to come in white?

Following the confirmed March release date for the Samsung Galaxy Ace, the Korean giant has announced that it will be available in both black and white- but currently only in their homeland.

Ignoring that lovely three-armed model, the Galaxy Ace is a middle-market Android phone, with a 3.5-inch screen and five-megapixel camera.

Samsung Hub say that that the Ace’s battery cover, ‘Hyperskin’ makes it both “aesthetically pleasing” and will, at the same time (!) improve grip.

The Ace follows a trend set Samsung’s hometurf rival, LG, who announced that their dual-core Optimus 2X will be available in both black or white.

No word yet on whether we’ll see a white version over here, but given the spate of White fever currently happening, it may be a good idea. We’ve curated a gallery of some other white marvels, if you can’t wait for (or afford) that white iPhone.

Via: Samsung Hub


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