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Samsung release Galaxy S2 vs. iPhone 4S spec comparison

The rivalry between Samsung and Apple just keeps getting more and more bitter. After all that malarky with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 getting itself banned in Germany, Samsung have reacted less-than-charitably to the launch of Apple’s iPhone 4S by putting out a spec-for-spec comparison chart between Apple’s latest smartphone and its own Galaxy S2. Guess which one comes out on top?

The comparison chart is pretty skewed to highlight the cooler features of the Galaxy S2 – we’ve never seen a “Use of smartphone as an HDTV remote control” segment in a head-to-head before (the Galaxy S2 can, the iPhone 4S can’t). There’s also a shot at the new Siri voice control on the iPhone 4S, with Samsung pitting its Vlingo voice activation software against Siri, which it notes is only in its Beta stage. Zing.

We’re not coming down on either side of the Samsung vs. Apple debate – we love the S2 and the iPhone 4 equally, like the indulgent parents of squabbling children. For our in depth analysis of which one you should buy if you’re thinking of upgrading, take a look at our iPhone 4S vs. Samsung Galaxy S2 vs. HTC Sensation XE feature. Otherwise, you can have a browse of Samsung’s totally impartial head-to-head comparison below.



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