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Xoom vs iPad 2: Motorola continues its scrap with the iPad 2

Following its smack-talk Superbowl advert, Motorola still aren’t letting it drop.

Understandably wounded that the latest  iPad has taken some of the sheen (and a lot of the attention) away from the first Android Gingerbread tablet on the market, they’ve been at it again, stirring up trouble, and highlighting the differences between the Xoom and iPad 2, and why we should pick the Xoom.

We’re not sure this sort of numbers game is going to swing many mainstream customers, but we used to love Top Trumps, so it’s our cup of tea. Interestingly, Apple never seem to steep themselves in the numbers either- it’s all about the ‘experience’ when they’re trying to sell their wares.

It does make some good points; the cameras on the iPad 2 really can’t stand up to the Xoom; the two weedy VGA cams are severely lacking. (though we guess it gives something for the iPad 3 to improve on.)

The Xoom also has a slightly sharper screen, but again- we’d need to see them side-by-side to see if there was a visible difference.

Even if the Xoom beats the iPad 2 ‘on paper’, do enough people know that Motorola’s tablet exists? Ask the man on the street, an iPad is an iPad, but what is a Xoom?

Source: Motorola Via: Gizmofusion


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